nail polish

CND Shellac, Dark Diamonds, 0.25 fl oz



CND Shellac, Wrapped In Linen, 0.25 fl oz


Honey Phan 044 Lilac Purple

Honey Phan 044

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, You’re So Sweet, You’re Giving Me A Toothache, 1.5 oz

CND Shellac, Olive Grove, 0.25 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Bed Of Petals, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Silky Sienna, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, From Paris With Love, 1.5 oz

CND Shellac, B-day Candle, 0.25 fl oz


CND Shellac, Flowerbed Folly, 0.25 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Whisper, 0.5 fl oz


CND Shellac, Toffee Talk, 0.25 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Wrapped In Linen, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Dark Dahlia, 0.25 fl oz


Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Certified Platinum, 1.5 oz

CND Shellac, Temptation, 0.25 fl oz

SpaRitual Nourishing Vegan Color, Dance of Life, 0.5 oz



Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Diva, 1.5 oz


Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Amour Color Please, 1.5 oz

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