nail polish

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, I Or-chid You Not, 1.5 oz

CND Shellac, Oceanside, 0.25 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Rooftop Hop, 0.5 fl oz


CND Vinylux, Cream Puff, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Apribot, 0.5 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Artwork In Progress 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, All Frothed Up, 0.25 fl oz

CND Shellac, Satin Slippers, 0.25 fl oz


Morgan Taylor Lacquer, You Have My Art, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Vitagel, Strength, 0.5 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, After Dark, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Gel Polish, Tokyo A Go Go, 0.5 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Tutus & Tights, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Gel Polish, Need A Tan, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Tinted Love, 0.25 fl oz


Gelish Gel Polish, Lost My Terrain Of Thought, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac Wear Extender Base Coat

Dr.’s Remedy DESIRE Dark Brown, 0.5 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Tidy Touch, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Midnight Flight, 0.25 fl oz



Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Sappy But Sweet, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Gel Polish, Prettier In Pink, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Red Baroness, 0.25 fl oz

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