nail polish

Gelish Gel Polish, Record Breaker, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Pacific Sunset, 1.5 oz

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Tan My Hide, 1.5 oz

CND Vinylux, Brick Knit, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Gel Polish, Don’t Bring Me Down, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Gel Polish, Tex’as Me Later, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Frostbite, 0.25 fl oz

CND Shellac, Silk Slip Dress, 0.25 fl oz

Gelish Gel Polish, Sappy But Sweet, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Toffee Talk, 0.25 fl oz

Gelish Gel Polish, Heaven Sent, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Bare Chemise, 0.25 fl oz

CND Shellac, Across The Mani-Verse, POP Display, 16 pc

Gelish Soft Gel Tips, Medium Stiletto, 550 ct

Gelish Gel Polish, Simple Sheer, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Gleam & Glow, POP Display, 16 pc

Gelish Gel Polish, Wrapped Around Your Finger, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac Wear Extender Base Coat

Dr.’s Remedy RESCUE Red, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Gel Polish, Wool You Love Me?, 0.5 fl oz

Dr.’s Remedy BONAFIDE Boysenberry, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Black Pool, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Lady Lilly, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Fedora, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, You Glare, I Glow, 1.5 oz

CND Shellac, Hot Pop Pink, 0.25 fl oz

CND Shellac, Decadence, 0.25 fl oz

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Cuddle Bug, 1.5 oz

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