nail polish



Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Fire Cracker, 0.5 fl oz



Dr.’s Remedy CHEERFUL Cherry, 0.5 fl oz


CND Vinylux, Soft Peony, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Magenta Mischief, .5 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Grand Jewels, 0.5 fl oz


CND Vinylux, Field Fox, 0.5 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Fashion Week Chic, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Masquerade, 0.25 fl oz

CND Shellac, Signature Lipstick, 0.25 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Seal The Deal, 0.5 fl oz


CND Shellac, Candlelight, 0.25 fl oz


Honey Phan 055 Yellow

Honey Phan 055

CND Vinylux, Gotcha, 0.5 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Forever Beauty, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Magenta Mischief, 0.25 fl oz

Dr.’s Remedy RESILIENT Rose, 0.5 fl oz

Dr.’s Remedy DEVOTED Denim, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Rooftop Hop, 0.5 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Fifteen Minutes Of Frame, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Nude Knickers, 0.25 fl oz

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