nail polish

Gelish Gel Polish, Fire Cracker, 0.5 fl oz


OPI Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey! Nail Lacquer


Gelish Gel Polish, Curls & Pearls, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, All The Rage, 0.25 fl oz


OPI DS Imperial Nail Lacquer

Red-ical Rockstar

Honey Phan 068 Soft Blue

Honey Phan 068

Nitro 036 Sparkly Pink

Nitro 036

CND Vinylux, Candied, 0.5 fl oz

OPI Stay Classic Base Coat, 0.5 fl oz

Nitro 092 Red Pink

Nitro 092

OPI, Scotland Infinite Shine Things I’ve Seen in Aber-green , .5 fl. oz

Light Lychee

Gelish Gel Polish, Water Baby, 0.5 fl oz

Love You Lotus

CND Vinylux, What’s Old Is Blue Again, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Magenta Mischief, .5 fl oz

OPI Do You Sea What I Sea? Nail Lacquer

OPI Got Myself into a Jam-balaya Nail Lacquer

Frozen Solid

Gelish Gel Polish, Fame Game, 0.5 fl oz

OPI Powder Perfection One Heckla of a Color!


OPI GelColor, My Studio’s On Spring, 0.5 fl oz

Nitro 173 Peachy Pink

Nitro 173

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