nail polish

OPI Nature Strong Nail Lacquer, Shore Is Something!, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Silk Slip Dress, 0.5 fl oz

OPI Live.Love.Carnaval Nail Lacquer


OPI Powder Perfection Just Lanai-ing Around

OPI Drip Dry / 0.28oz

CND Shellac, Kiss of Fire, 0.25 fl oz

Nitro 254 Red

Nitro 254

CND Vinylux, Magenta Sky, 0.5 fl oz

Dr.’s Remedy REVIVE Ruby Red, 0.5 fl oz

Nitro 196 Pink

Nitro 196

CND Vinylux, Arrowhead, 0.5 fl oz

OPI Just BeClaus / GelColor

OPI Infinite Shine Less is Norse Nail Lacquer


Nitro 204 Sparkly Red

Nitro 204

CND Shellac, Lilac Longing, 0.25 fl oz

OPI Nature Strong Nail Lacquer, Onyx Skies, 0.5 fl oz

Dr.’s Remedy MAGNIFICENT Magenta, 0.5 fl oz

Nitro 138 Mauve Pink

Nitro 138



CND Shellac, Above My Pay Gray-ed, 0.25 fl oz

Nitro 182 Pink

Nitro 182

CND Shellac, Fuji Love, 0.25 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Off The Wall, 0.5 fl oz

OPI Reykjavik Has All the Hot Spots Nail Lacquer

CND Vinylux, Blush Teddy, 0.5 fl oz

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