nail polish

Fruity Papaya

CND Shellac, DayDreaming, 0.25 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Linen Luxury, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Wooded Bliss, 0.5 fl oz

Dr.’s Remedy MINDFUL Mulberry, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Among the Marigolds, 0.25 fl oz

CND Shellac, Creekside, 0.25 fl oz

Dr.’s Remedy RESCUE Red, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Sangria at Sunset, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac Phantom, 0.25 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Hypnotic Dreams, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Gleam & Glow, POP Display, 16 pc

CND Vinylux, Pink Bikini, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Among the Marigolds, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Magical Topiary, 0.25 fl oz

CND Shellac, UV Top Coat

CND Vinylux, Magenta Mischief, .5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, It’s Getting Golder, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Chandelier, 0.25 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Silhouette, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Beckoning Begonia, 0.5 fl oz


Dr.’s Remedy REVIVE Ruby Red, 0.5 fl oz

CND Vinylux, Take Root, 0.5 fl oz

CND Shellac, Butterfly Queen, 0.25 fl oz


Chill in the Heir

CND Service Essentials, SolarSpeed Spray

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