nail polish

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Brights Have More Fun, 1.5 oz

Nitro 220 Pink

Nitro 220

Gelish Gel Polish, Seal The Deal, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Gel Polish, Bella’s Vampire, 0.5 fl oz

Honey Phan 062 Orange

Honey Phan 062


Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Good Gossip, 1.5 oz

Nitro 040 Beige

Nitro 040


Gelish Soft Gel Tips, Short Round, 550 ct


Gelish Gel Polish, Just Hanging Around, 0.5 fl oz

Morgan Taylor Lacquer, Malva, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Izzy Wizzy, Let’s Get Busy, 1.5 oz


Gelish Essentials, Fantastic Four

Nitro 160 Pink

Nitro 160

Nitro 042 Blue

Nitro 042

Gelish Gel Polish, A-Lister, 0.5 fl oz



Gelish Gel Polish, Tartan the Interruption, 0.5 fl oz

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, Tex’as Me Later, 1.5 oz

Honey Phan 066 Highlighter Green

Honey Phan 066

Gelish Xpress Dip Powder, All That Glitters Is Gold, 1.5 oz

Nitro 212 Blue

Nitro 212


Nitro 197 Pink

Nitro 197

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